Amazing Ayurveda Nourishing Foot Cream: Exclusive Discount

Do you have dry or even cracked skin on your feet? No problem! I have found an amazing and natural solution! Despite spending so many hours online writing, I spend a lot of time on my feet too. My feet always seem to be dry and calloused especially in the winter months. Dry feet are more than just unsightly, they can be extremely painful as well. Winter skin issues affect my feet horribly. Having tried so many foot creams in the past it was pathetic! Until now I never found a foot cream that actually did any good, unless I applied it constantly. Who has time for that? Definitely not this busy Mom!

So if you are like me, and have been searching for a product that will really work on your dry feet, look no further! I am so pleased with this foot cream, I just can't keep it to myself any longer. The first application gave me results! The first! After the first application of this foot cream, my feet were softer and a callous completely went away! As with anything I do not expect super results overnight, though I must admit I was amazed at how well an all natural foot cream was working on my feet! I am so excited to share this foot cream with you, Amazing Ayurveda has sponsored this post and I will be including a promotional code for 20% off should you decide to try it out!

I adore this simple yet elegant packaging. 

Amazing Ayurveda Nourishing Foot Cream

As a natural healing enthusiast I am familiar with the term Ayurveda. For those of you who are not Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic whole body healing practices known to man. So I was seriously interested in this Amazing Ayurveda Foot Cream, since it was natural and holistic. Once I received my nourishing foot lotion I noticed that I could pronounce every ingredient on the label! That almost never happens, especially with personal care items. 

Not only could I pronounce the ingredients, but there were some powerful ingredients in this foot cream. Some of the ingredients that had me the most excited were:

  • Jojoba Oil
  • Rose Water
  • Aloe Vera
  • Turmeric Extract
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Ginger Oil
The list goes on and on. All the ingredients I mention are powerhouses for healing, and nourishing the skin! Some people can have reactions or allergies to natural products, I already was familiar with the ingredients so that was not an issue for me. If you are not familiar with natural products doing a small test on your elbow or arm is recommended (much like with hair dye, or cosmetics).

The thick and nourishing formula is non irritating and
has a very pleasant fragrance.

Results After Just One Use

I will be the first to admit, that my feet are awful. This time of year old man winter decides to take his frustrations out on my feet! Leaving my feet a scaly dry nightmare that I want to hide from the world! I used my Amazing Ayurveda Nourishing Foot Cream the moment I got it. While using it I noticed a few things that were extremely impressive:

  • The cream was thick.
  • The fragrance was very pleasant.
  • The packaging was spa quality.
This cream is soft and silky, and still thick as well. Having a thick foot cream is a must, otherwise with thinner products you have to apply over and over all day long to even have the hope of a soft foot by spring. The fragrance reminds me of wildflowers blowing in the breeze on a summers day. It may seem silly that I mentioned the packaging, but it is so cute. The packaging reminds me of some of the products that were available to purchase when I took a recent trip to a spa with my friends. Simple and elegant. Not salesy at all. You know how some products push the effectiveness right on the label? Not this one, it simply states what it is with some super cute paisley scroll design in yellow and brown. 

After just the first use I noticed my feet were slightly smoother, and a callous completely loosened up and came off. Phenomenal if you ask me, or my feet. Having had that callous for as long as I care to remember I was shocked at how fast this foot cream was working. 

There is nothing like the feeling of satisfaction when you break out
your favorite shoes and can wear them without worrying
that you have dry skin on your feet anymore!

Healing and Hydration

Amazing Ayurveda Nourishing Foot Cream hydrates and restores a healthy balance while detoxifying too. The formula is thick and creamy only needing applied once after your shower and as part of your nighttime rituals. My feet look better than they have in a decade, and I can break out sandals and heels without being self conscious! 

Exclusive Discount 

Thanks to Amazing Ayurveda sponsoring this post, I am able to provide my audience with an exclusive 20% discount code! Here is how you take advantage of the discount:

Be sure to subscribe via email to get notifications for more exclusive discounts in the future! 



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